What Does Expungement Mean?
Expungement refers to the sealing of criminal records. Under Oklahoma law, these records include any arrest records, court records, and public civil records involving actions brought by and against the State of Oklahoma, which arise from the same arrest, transaction, or occurrence.
The attorneys of Stockwell Law Group have extensive knowledge of Oklahoma's expungement statutes and applicable case law. They have created and established positive relationships with the agencies necessary in the expungement process. These agencies include law enforcement agencies all across the state as well as the OSBI. We are confident in our success rate that we offer a money-back guarantee. If we can't erase your criminal record, it's not possible.
Oklahoma Expungement Law Basics
You may be able to clear your criminal record. Oklahoma has policies that allow for the expungement of a criminal record in certain instances that will make you eligible to remove your criminal record and your arrest record erased. And just like the drug laws in Oklahoma, your ability to clear your criminal arrest record from a mistake you've made in your past is changing. Many of those who could benefit from an expungement do not even know it. They either don't know that it is possible or believe they've already had their records cleared after completing their sentence. Many people eligible for an expungement don't realize that they are eligible or aren't sure how to get it done. There are 15 categories of crimes and sentences that are eligible for an expungement, and those categories are expanding. You could have the opportunity to have your entire criminal arrest records erased and your records with the OSBI, Law Enforcement, the Department of Corrections, OSCN, the Court Clerk, and ODCR the Pardon & Parole Board. Expungements are a legal process that can remove and seal arrests, charges, and some convictions from someone's record. Although the terms "expunge" and "seal" are often used interchangeably, expungement means to erase such documents while "sealing" means they are no longer public record. It's important to know that there are different types of expungements, and you need to be aware of what type you're getting. Some expungements only take the case off of OSCN and seal the court record to the public. Other expungements can clear your entire history. An experienced criminal defense attorney is essential, but an experienced expungement attorney is crucial. With Stockwell Law Group, you get both.
Expunging Your Record is Crucial
Perhaps there is a conviction, charge, or even an arrest somewhere in your past. Maybe you think it was a minor law violation, you completed your sentence and can move on with your life. Unfortunately, in the society we live in, the reality is that something like a criminal conviction follows you everywhere, even if it is just a misdemeanor.
If you don't want one mistake to haunt you for the rest of your life, you should learn everything possible about expunging a criminal record. You may not think it's worth the time, money, and effort to get your record expunged. If that's true, here are six reasons why you will want to reconsider.
1. Getting a Job
If you've ever filled out a job application, you probably remember the section where they ask if you've ever been convicted or arrested for a crime, which always creates an awkward situation for someone with a criminal record. If your record is removed successfully, you should be able to write "no" to answer that question truthfully. Also, in this age of internet access to information, an expungement can keep most employers from access to this information on the internet or run a criminal background check.
2. Getting a Loan
Some loan agencies think that a criminal conviction is an indication that someone is less likely to meet their financial obligations. That means you may be facing prohibitive interest rates or be unable to get a loan at all. That means difficulty buying a car, a home, or paying for an education. Combine that with trouble getting a job, and you could be in a very tough situation.
3. Adoption
Have you ever considered adopting a child? Fifteen states currently make it illegal for someone with a criminal record to adopt children. Many adoption agencies will not accept a person with a criminal record.
4. College
Many expungement requests are made by people who wish to obtain a college education or wish to continue their studies. Some colleges and universities will not admit a person with a criminal record. If you're currently enrolled in the University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University, or any other state colleges in Oklahoma, your ability to continue your studies could be canceled, as a criminal conviction may violate the student conduct code of that school. Besides, simply being charged with any crime may put your scholarships in jeopardy. Many universities in this state will take away scholarships from students accused of a crime. It is imperative to hire a defense attorney who knows how to handle all aspects of your case.
5. Housing
If you can't get a mortgage because of a criminal record, you will have to rent a place to live. However, many landlords also run background checks, which can affect their decision not to rent. An expunged record can help eliminate this information from view.
6. Peace of Mind
Most of the time, clients want an expungement to move forward and progress. Essentially, it's taking this episode in their life and legally and officially acknowledging by a judge that it's behind them now. While you have that mark on your record, it's hard to feel truly free. When you clear your record, you have a clean slate. You can feel like a genuinely contributing member of society, just as entitled to the rights and privileges of a citizen as anyone else around you. Even if you've taken your punishment for your offense, it's sometimes hard to feel entirely behind you while your criminal record is still out there. That is difficult for someone who's trying to move on and change their life for the better. Although there are many other reasons why expunging your criminal record is definitely to your advantage, the most important one might be your peace of mind. At Stockwell Law Group, our years of experience have taught us how to delete your record effectively. We understand how stressful a time this can be and are here to build a personalized strategy for you. Call us and lets see if you qualify for an expungement and then we'll walk you through your legal options.
Erase your criminal record today.
We're located just a block from the Cleveland County Courthouse.
If you've ever been arrested, you have a criminal record, or want to know if you qualify for an expungement, call us today and let us evaluate your case for FREE.

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