Organizations are under a constant threat of cyber-related attacks, which puts them at risk of losing control of sensitive or confidential information. With cybercriminals becoming more sophisticated and exploiting more ways to hack into systems, businesses must be prepared and ready when data is breached. It is always best to have an incident response plan in place and to review and test it regularly.
Learning Objectives:
Describe key elements of the incident response plan.
Explore the benefits of an incident response plan.
Discuss recent hacks and scams and the organizational impact.
Analyze strategies to avoid cyber and data losses when an incident occurs.
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Michael Nouguier, CISSP, PMP, Director of Cybersecurity Services | Eide Bailly
Michael has 20 years of IT and Cybersecurity experience. He focuses on building strategy and hope through innovative cybersecurity solutions and works with organizations to identify the root causes of concern to remediate risk and build a greater security posture.
CPE Information
CPE Credit: 1
Field of Study: Information Technology
Level of Knowledge: Basic
Delivery Method: Group-Internet Based
Additional Information: This is a Group-Internet Based Webinar. No prerequisites or advanced preparation required. For information regarding a complaint and/or program cancellation policies, please contact Amy DeGeorge.